Friday, May 14, 2010


today was shooting day with my friends from class. it was for our art project. the setting was in my house and the yard behind my house. at first, the people were kinda lacking, when they arrived we started filming the 1st scene. the 2nd scene was in the yard behind my house. it was really hot! but we had fun.

hari ini hari pengambilan gambar dengan temen-temen sekelas gue. filmnya buat proyek seni. latar belakangnya di rumah gue dan tempat di blakang rumah gue. pertama-tama orang-orangnya pada lama bgt datengnya, pas pada dateng kita mulai deh shooting scene yg pertama. scene ke2 di ambil di blakang rumah gue. panas bgt! tapi kita seneng deh!

the peeps who worked hard:
Zahid: Actor
Ijah: Actress
Anggi: Camera Girl
Tio: Director
Me: Property/Umbrella girl
Iqbal: .....
Jalu: Actor/Transportation
Luna: Photographer
Irin: .....

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