Sunday, February 12, 2012


i know i haven't been writing in my blog again like forever, so imma start out with the 2 months holiday ive been from my first semester.
for my first trip i went to Jogja with my new best friend from Uni, she's Quam. we went there with my brother who studies is Jogja. we were so excited to visit Jogja and see all the new culture, even tho ive been to Jogja before, but this is my first time traveling on my own.
it was really hard to get to places in Jogja cos there aren't that much transport, so we have to take a bus everywhere.
id love to write all of the things ive seen in Jogja but im just to lazy to type it all down. so i went to Malioboro, Borobudur Temple, Parantritis Beach, Prambanan Temple. so here are the pictures!

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