Sunday, September 5, 2010


sorry for the late updates i'm having here. cos i'm in a really bad mood for some reason. well, i just have to spill it all out in here.....
i have been liking this guy form school who is apparently younger than be by a year. he's like close to where ever we met and all that shit, which made me comfortable. the feelings that i've grown for him has overtook my heart for this pass month. i have been thinking about him. we texted, but not everyday. the thing is, i always text first. but he just kept replying and made me thought he has the same feeling for me. i have told this story to my friends and they're all like "okay, just keep it going". but i have a bad feeling, i dunno. something is not right. but the love in my heart closed all the feeling in me. we wnet out to catch a movie and stuff. but then, no texts? no calls? what's this all about? he just left me, bundled up in a mushed up feeling........
it's been a while that i haven't like some one like this. i don't wanna be a bitch but there's been a few guys that have been trying to get close to me, but i rejected them. is this what you call karma?

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