Monday, September 20, 2010

best things

first day of school

dayum fuck shit! i don't fuckin like you anymore! go to hell! really, its been a while that i don't like you anymore. why are you acting like a total dip shit?
ugh, sorry for the rude words, but i can't stand it! i wanna scream out loud AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
although i had a great time with Heru adn Adho today :) love my best friends!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

last day of holiday

tomorrow is Monday, that means us school kids have to go back to our routines. gosh, holday seems fast, and as like any other holiday. i have to start focusing cos i'll start uni next year. wishing for FSRD ITB! amin!

haty hat

FUCK YEAH LEOPARD HAT! got it yesterday for 35rb! whohoo

Thursday, September 9, 2010


did this last night, i painted my face with water color cos i don't have anything else. it was so hard cos it was like dripping from my face.

Sunday, September 5, 2010



sorry for the late updates i'm having here. cos i'm in a really bad mood for some reason. well, i just have to spill it all out in here.....
i have been liking this guy form school who is apparently younger than be by a year. he's like close to where ever we met and all that shit, which made me comfortable. the feelings that i've grown for him has overtook my heart for this pass month. i have been thinking about him. we texted, but not everyday. the thing is, i always text first. but he just kept replying and made me thought he has the same feeling for me. i have told this story to my friends and they're all like "okay, just keep it going". but i have a bad feeling, i dunno. something is not right. but the love in my heart closed all the feeling in me. we wnet out to catch a movie and stuff. but then, no texts? no calls? what's this all about? he just left me, bundled up in a mushed up feeling........
it's been a while that i haven't like some one like this. i don't wanna be a bitch but there's been a few guys that have been trying to get close to me, but i rejected them. is this what you call karma?